Minggu, 25 Januari 2015


Hey hey foodies
Have you ever come to ps. Santa?? They have a food court now. May be there is a food court already but these days there are many tenant in that food court sell unique food.
One of their tenant is legoh
Legoh sell main course and finger tip food.
I just order their finger tip since i was already eat other tenant dish.
I was order lumpia aroma susu and lumpia aroma es krim.
They claimed lumpia aroma susu is the most wanted fingertip they have, but i was curious about lumpia aroma es krim.
So i decided to buy the bought. Since the price is not pricey. For lumpia aroma eskrim 21k and lumpia aroma susu is 15k.

Like my feeling told me lumpia aroma eskrim is fits for my palate but the lumpia aroma susu is toooooo like realllllly sweet omg!!! They filled the lumpia with cheese but the condensed milk is too much.

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