Senin, 04 Agustus 2014

Yo' Panino Plaza Indonesia

Hey foodies. How is your day? Do you know yo' panino? I was not tempting to try this restaurant at first. I came here because i saw their menu photo. The sandwich or burger woke my appetite. I was tempting to order and try their burger. i thought we only order from their chasier, but the fact is they can served us like ordinary restaurant,like the note our order and we didn't have to pick up our order. one of their waiter escorted us to a table and noted our order. They said if we want to take away then we have to order just like in orther fast food. The ambience is unique. Like in a storage with decoration and interior. Fits for youngster. If you want to just me time, i think this place is fits too. Yo' panino placed in the below of an escalator. So we can be seen to anybody walk around plaza indonesia. Yeaaah youngster place. For me time you can choose table right in a below of escalator which you can't be seen. 
I order burger something chicken and cheese. From the photo of the menu it look really nice. But unfortunately i don't like it to much. First the portion is small, second i dont like the bread which i know it is the dry texture bread not like ordinary bread we find in supermarket. Nothing wrong about the bread actually, the texture just it suppose to, it just me dont like that kind of bread. The sauce in its burger is really less. I hope the cheese can be added more. 
About my beverage i order crysant tea. Silly me, i don't like flowers at all, but why i order this crysant tea. Haaaaah 
The service is good and fast. They are friendly too. Comunicative and cooperative. 

Chicken with Cheese Burger and Orange Juice. Frenh Fries with melted cheese

My Late Lunch

Chicken Cheese Burger, French Fries, and Camomile Tea

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